Freya, a student at the University of Edinburgh is looking for volunteers for her Masters of Public Health dissertation project. The project will explore the experiences of people in the UK who have been affected by the gambling of a friend, family member, guardian, or partner. Specifically, this project is interested in how those affected by another person’s gambling realised they needed support, how they looked for support and their experiences of support. This project is being done as there is not enough research concerning those affected by another person’s gambling, and these experiences need to be understood as a launching off point for bigger research projects, and improving support systems.
If eligible, people who are interested in the project will be asked to do an online or telephone interview. They may want to do these interviews individually, or with a friend, family, member, guardian or partner who has also been affected by gambling. Anyone who chooses to take part will remain completely anonymous. In line with National Institute for Health and Care Research Guidelines, a £20 e-voucher will be available to everyone who participates. This is in recognition of time, efforts and experience.
If you are interested or have any questions, please do have a look at the information sheet and contact Freya on her email address at